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mercredi 20 janvier 2016

hat should be the optimal size of redolog file ?

[84]In your opinion less log switches are better or mo...... Basit
[85]>>> <i> there are very less log switches occur o...... Michel Cadot
[86]Hi Basit Oracle just tells you, that your logs ...... Jan

Subject: what should be the optimal size of redolog file ?
Os info: linux
Oracle info: 11g r1
Message: Hi all,
what should be the optimal size of online redolog files.. so that
redolog switches be frequent according to oracle recommendations.
Is there any formuLa to calculate the required size for online redolog

Subject: Re: what should be the optimal size of redolog file ?
Switch not more than 5 to 10 times per hour.

Subject: Re: what should be the optimal size of redolog file ?
Message: In your opinion less log switches are better or more ?
1 or 2 per hour
6 to 8 per hour ... ?
I have to change the size of redolog files because there are very less
log switches occur on our environment. hardly 5 to 6 log switch in per
24 HOUR. I wanna ask on which ground a have set an appropriate size of
my redolog files ... ?

Subject: Re: what should be the optimal size of redolog file ?
>>> there are very less log switches occur on our environment. hardly 5
to 6 log switch in per 24 HOUR
In what is this a problem?

Subject: Re: what should be the optimal size of redolog file ?
Message: Hi Basit
Oracle just tells you, that your logs should be big enough, that you
will not get more than 3 switches per hour. It is ok to get fewer
If you want to ensure, that you get at least one switch every n minutes
you can set the parameter ARCHIVE_LAG_TARGET to n*60 (the parameter is
in seconds).
Alternatively force a logswitch before every archivelog backup.
Regards, Jan

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